This presentation offers educators the opportunity to delve into important values that Alaska Native peoples have held for centuries. Whether you are new, or a seasoned educator you will learn about topics including Historical trauma, Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act and how tribal support can help your students transitioning out of school, SPED Resources, traditional values, and communication methods. You will learn how the Alaska Native world view will influence your students' progress in the Western world. This presenter will also have an opportunity to interact with Alaska Native arts and artifacts and ask questions about how and why they are an important part of Alaska Native Values.
Dawn is Gwich'in Athabaskan and Aleut from the Native Village of Fort Yukon. She cares passionately about the Alaska Native population and wants everyone she meets to understand the unique challenges students face in Western-style education. Dawn was a licensed foster parent for over... Read More →
When faced with “challenging” behaviors, there are many considerations, frameworks to use and strategies to try. The primary focus is on managing the situation including the safety of everyone present. However, all behaviors occur for a reason, including “challenging” behaviors. In managing the situation, this means the needs triggering a student’s “challenging” behaviors is often overlooked. Reducing these incidents over time means identifying a student’s unmet need and finding ways to meet that need in different ways. Today, we’ll redefine “challenging” behavior, link it to self-advocacy and use foundational behavior analysis concepts to determine those needs and preventative interventions.