"Reclaim your Joy & Enthusiasm" - Molly Kennedy Our students have changed. Educators at every level are exhausted, spread too thin and in the burn out cycle of battling everyday for cooperation, engagement and calm.
This keynote will help educators feel reenergized and rediscover their JOY! They’ll smile, laugh (a lot) and walk out saying, “That’s exactly what I needed to hear today.”
As a veteran educator, with 26 years working with students, Molly speaks to teachers’ hearts, so they feel seen, valued and celebrated. The ripple effect means even greater student success.
Molly Kennedy has dedicated the past 26 years to empowering people to have more resilience, confidence and learning to leverage their adversity into results.Challenges and trauma followed Molly throughout her life. She grew up in a dysfunctional family with addiction, divorce, neglect... Read More →